20241110 1652 週日愉快 Happy Sunday 夕陽無限好==偶遇兩則有興趣的專輯『以统计学論述傳統醫學vs現代醫學 聯診醫治較佳』『余光中乡愁詩愁情愁』++PM0520 補記:義大後中醫系也有中醫科學實證醫學研調+驚奇海外馬來西亞似乎也多中醫醫師
20241110 1652 週日愉快 Happy Sunday 夕陽無限好==偶遇兩則有興趣的專輯『以统计学論述傳統醫學vs現代醫學 聯診醫治較佳』『余光中乡愁詩愁情愁』
20241110 1652 週日愉快 Happy Sunday 夕陽無限好
『以统计学論述傳統醫學vs現代醫學 聯診醫治較佳』
『此專輯Kai博士以统计学的科普論述以中西醫學推論傳統醫學vs現代醫學 聯診醫治較佳』
中醫 西醫
傳統中醫 現代醫學
傳統醫學 現代醫學
VVVIP==传统中医是否能经得起统计学的考验? - YouTube 20221023=20241110
觀看次數:27,897次 2022年10月23日
大家好,我是说话有点慢,逻辑从不乱的Kai博士。今天我想和大家讨论的是一个比较有争议的话题,那就是传统中医和现代医学体系之间的关系。关注我的朋友们都知道,我的频道主要做的是统计 学的科普,而统计学的思想和方法正是现代医学的一个重要基础。所以具体一点说,我要讨论的话题是“中医是否能经得起统计学的考验”。
1. Ma, Chun Ho, et al. "Efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine for benign prostatic hyperplasia: systematic review of randomized controlled trials." Asian Journal of Andrology 15.4 (2013): 471
2. Yu, Lei, et al. "The efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine, Rhodiola formulation in treating ischemic heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Complementary therapies in medicine 22.4 (2014): 814-825
3. Ried, Karin, and Keren Stuart. "Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in the management of female infertility: a systematic review." Complementary therapies in medicine 19.6 (2011): 319-331
4. Ni, Xiaojia, et al. "Updated clinical evidence of Chinese herbal medicine for insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Sleep Medicine 16.12 (2015): 1462-1481
5. Yeung, Wing-Fai, et al. "Chinese herbal medicine for insomnia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials." Sleep medicine reviews 16.6 (2012): 497-507
6. Yeung, Wing-Fai, et al. "A systematic review on the efficacy, safety and types of Chinese herbal medicine for depression." Journal of psychiatric research 57 (2014): 165-175
7. Wang, Yong, et al. "Efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Journal of psychiatric research 117 (2019): 74-91
8. Li, Xin-Xue, et al. "Chinese herbal medicine for gout: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials." Clinical Rheumatology 32.7 (2013): 943-959
9. Li, Shi Guang, et al. "The efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine as an adjunctive therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis." PloS one 8.2 (2013): e57604
10. Zhong, Linda LD, et al. "The efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine as an adjunctive therapy for colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Complementary Therapies in Medicine 20.4 (2012): 240-252
VVVIP==哈哈哈有意思==余光中的两岸情思,20分钟写完神作《乡愁》坦言一生最感谢这两位女人!#访谈 - YouTube 20241008=202541110
20241110 PM0520 補記:義大後中醫系也有中醫科學實證醫學研調+驚奇海外馬來西亞似乎也多中醫醫師
20241110 PM0520 補記:
VVVIP==義大後中醫系五年級OVI=誰說中醫沒有實證醫學?! 科學研究說給你聽! | 影音合作EP1 feat. @-ovis8510 - YouTube 20210623=20241106
70歲後才真正明白:養生的高級方式,不是鍛煉和睡覺,而是做這四件事!【生活哲理talks】#晚年#中老年生活 #為人處世 #生活經驗 #情感故事 #老人 #幸福人生#哲理 #talks - YouTube 20240855=20240830
VVVIP==當科學來襲,中醫為什麼沒消失?上集:「雜種醫」的史前史|雷祥麟《非驢非馬:中醫、西醫與現代中國的相互形塑》|ft. Emma 床墊 - YouTube 20241031
VVVIP==中医怎样看待癌症和开刀?西医怎样看待针灸与发热气?【#不同温层 EP44】 - YouTube 20241104